Craig Matthews re-elected Chair of Legal Software Suppliers Association

Craig Matthews, CEO of Osprey Approach, has been re-elected as the Chair of the Legal Software Suppliers Association (LSSA) at the Association’s recent Annual General Meeting. The LSSA is the UK’s industry body for legal systems developers and vendors.
Craig Matthews, LSSA Chair comments: “The UK legal technology market is vibrant, with technology showing law firms the way to survive and thrive in the new business environment. The LSSA is at the vanguard of UK legal technology, building on strong relationships with bodies such as The Law Society, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and HMRC. The LSSA is the voice of UK legal technology.“
Tim Smith of Insight Legal Software Ltd is the Association’s Vice-Chair and Julian Bryan of Quill the Treasurer.
The LSSA is responsible for setting and maintaining professional standards within the legal software industry, and also manages areas of mutual interest between lawyers and software providers. The LSSA also has links with a number of legislative bodies – including the Land Registry, HMRC, The Law Society, the Court Service, and the LAA – and is committed to developing clear channels of communication so that law firms can gain the maximum benefit from their selected software solutions.